A runner with an appetite for adventure!

California Science Center April 7, 2014

Filed under: Babies,California,Dining Out,Family,Happy,Los Angeles,Weekends — Kelocity @ 7:56 pm

Yesterday, we ventured down to the California Science Center to enjoy some time with Adele. We started the day with breakfast with our friends Melissa & Robb and their daughter Claudia! She and Adele have been friends since the womb! We did prenatal yoga together. It’s so cute to watch them play together.

They kept each other on their best behavior and we all enjoyed a relaxing meal al fresco. Nothing better!

After breakfast, we said goodbye and headed to the museum. We hoped Adele would nap in the car on the way there, but she sang the whole way down. Our plan B was to bring the Ergo and Stroller, walk around and then maybe she’d nap on one of us while we explored some more….but we were silly to think that, she was WAY too excited to sleep! I mean, there are fish!

The kelp forest is awesome. Lots of fish and sharks! And even a tube you can walk through. Toddler approved!


At one point, i just sat on the edge, with Adele in my lap, and we sat together talking about the colors of the fish, and the size of the sharks. And we watched the fish swim ‘up, up up’ and ‘down down down’. I enjoyed it so much. The Science Center is free and I foresee us spending lots of time with the fish in the future!


I can’t get enough of pony tail silhouettes!


We had to literally drag her away from the tank, she loved it! We also saw some Turtles, mice, lizards and birds! There were so many other exhibits to visit, but we will have to save those for another day. We didn’t want to overwhelm her, and she was already pushing her limits without a nap.

But we did sneak in a little ‘toddler’ town action first. Check this out, it’s a ‘sand box’ but instead of sand or rocks, it was made out of shredded rubber tires! If I ever have a backyard, I’m getting a truck load of this stuff, it was awesome! And I loved their additions of vegetables to go hunting for! So healthy and cute.

We thought for sure she’d sleep in the car on the way home after all that stimulation! But alas, no dice. We waved the white flag and hung around the house for a couple of hours when we got home. Then we decided to squeeze in one last errand of the day and within 2 minutes of the drive… she was out. Yep. We’re officially ‘those parents’. The ones who swore we’d never resort to driving to get our child to sleep. We enjoyed a blissfully quiet ride and then i sat in the car for an hour checking email while Irving meandered around Costco. All in all… the perfect day full of friends, family… and finally, a nap. =)


One Response to “California Science Center”

  1. Danielle Says:

    That looks so fun. We’ll have to take Hannah. We’ve done the Long Beach Aquarium and she loved it.

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