A runner with an appetite for adventure!

Adele’s 2nd Halloween November 8, 2013

Filed under: Babies,Halloween — Kelocity @ 2:47 pm
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Adele was the most adorable soccer ball for Halloween this year. (Remember the sneak peek from a few months back?) It was too cute not to make it her official costume.



The leg warmers are my favorite part!

We had a two-week long celebration of Halloween this year. Starting with the Pumpkin Patch, then we had a pumpkin decorating party, a school party, a visit to a local ‘haunted’ house for kids (twice!), a party with her friends in the park… and of course Trick-or-Treating!

We had some friends over for pizza and then we headed out into the neighborhood. (PS, I spy Adele’s first face painting!)

I’m loving these itty bitty pony tails lately!!! I sneak them in while she’s brushing her teeth.

We suited up all the kids and packed up to head out into the neighborhood!

I’m sure Adele didn’t really understand what it meant to ‘trick or treat’, but she sure loved getting out of the stroller to walk up to people’s houses!

She was an expert trick-or-treater by the end. It was pitch black and we noticed she was being unusually quiet… and then we realized she had been poking around in her pumpkin and was happily munching on a tootsie pop. oh boy! You couldn’t claw that thing out of her hands if you tried!

I wasn’t going to let her sample any of her candy this year, but someone (ahem–daddy) slipped her a kitkat bar and I think she just about died. This was her first time tasting real chocolate and she was SO excited. Irving asked for a bite and she very firmly said “NO!” and shoved it in her mouth. That’s mama’s girl, right there.

We let her out a few more times because it was just so stinkin’ cute to watch. She proudly paraded up to the front of the line (yes, there are LINES here!) and held out her pumpkin.

She surprised us with how brave she is. She wasn’t fazed by anything! She was pretty fascinated by this guy!

Lots of lights, fog, kids, costumes and candy to look at! Adele probably thought this was the strangest evening walk she’s ever been on!


On Saturday, we had a ‘Post Halloween’ party with some (uh, 26!) of Adele’s little friends! It was a potluck and it was a blast!


The kids came in costume, stole cookies from the table and played with each other’s toys.


The moms don’t even get to talk anymore because we’re all chasing after runaway toddlers!
IMG_1798{this face!}

I somehow got Adele to sit long enough for ONE ‘official’ halloween picture.

I had plans to put Mr. Pumpkin back into storage til next year, but it has become Adele’s new favorite accessory. She puts toys and food in it, throws it over her shoulder and goes “bye!” like she’s walking out the door to go shopping or something. Ok. Pumpkin can stay a little longer. But I draw the line at the day we get our Christmas tree (which I secretly hope is sooner rather than later!) Bring on the holidays!


Friends, Farms and Fun July 2, 2013

Filed under: Food,Friends — Kelocity @ 12:49 pm
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When I was back home, I reserved a full day to hang out with my friend Shelby and her adorable kids, Harper and Sullivan. I turn to Shelby weekly for advice on everything from sippy cups to bedtime routines. When we talk on the phone, we could go on and on for hours. The kind of friend anyone would be lucky to have. I miss her SO much! I got up at 6am to make the two-hour drive to her house so we could maximize the day together. Adele woke up just after we arrived and we all had a blast together!

We started our adventures at a local farm. Since it was a weekday, we had it all to ourselves too!

I think Adele was a little sleepy at first, so she enjoyed the animals from the luxury of her stroller.

But these two were so cute exploring together! They loved the bunnies!

Later, Adele decided to wake up enough to see the beautiful peacock!
So pretty!

The farm makes its own ice cream on the property and the kids were excited to introduce me to the best ice cream in the whole world!

It was SO hard to choose! But ultimate, this “Ice Cream Pizza Slice” won me over.


I’ll pause while you look at this picture. The ‘crust’ was cookie dough. Not a cookie…. cookie DOUGH. Then a layer of ice cream, then whipped cream… then Oreos and sprinkles. Yep. Just as amazing as it looks.

Is now a good time to tell you we had these ice cream treats at 10am? Ice cream for breakfast? That’s how we roll on warm summer mornings with friends we don’t see very often. We create memories (and sugar highs) one bite full of delicious ice cream at a time. IMG_8770

I hope these guys stay friends forever. I look forward to it as the years go on!


Harper got excited to see my cell phone so we had a little fun with the camera! Hi!
Group shot (minus Sully!)IMG_20130618_142701_618

We spent the next few hours playing dominos, chatting and chasing kids around the house. It was awesome. Wish we could do it every week. Love you guys so much! xo


1st Birthday Party July 1, 2013

Filed under: Baby,Birthday,Family,Friends — Kelocity @ 10:36 pm
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Yep, if you’re counting, this was Adele’s third birthday celebration. And her third smash cake. What can I say, go big or go home, right? The first birthday is special enough to be celebrated three times, right?


Aunty Mikaela graciously hosted her party, it was so cute!
_Adele 1st Birthday

Adele, watching her guests arrive!

Haha, Aunty Laurie remembered that both Irving and I had a birthday candle, so she bought Adele one! YAYYY!!!!!

Soon it was CAKE TIME!!! Adele was getting tired and cranky, but as soon as she had one taste of frosting, she was 100% focused on the job at hand.



I think Adele would have sat there and ate that whole cake if we let her! Grandpa to the rescue!

I am so lucky to have so many great high school friends, even after all these years. Love these girls!

Adele is such a lucky lady, she was surrounded by love on her special day.



Soon, the birthday girl emerged after a quick bath, ready to open her presents!



Lots of mama’s friends…

…and lots of baby’s friends!

Happy Birthday, Adele. So happy you had such another wonderful day to celebrate. You are one lucky, spoiled little girl. Thank you so much to all of our friends and family who showered her with love. xo


Adele Meets Shamu April 22, 2013

Filed under: Baby,California,Friends,Nature,San Diego — Kelocity @ 9:50 pm
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Irving and I woke up early and drove down to SeaWorld for the day on Sunday! My friend Courtney was in San Diego and since it’s only two hours from LA, we thought SeaWorld would be the perfect opportunity to catch up and do something fun!

We started our day by going up the Sky Tower (a ride that takes you 328 feet up above the park)!  We could see all the tanks below with the dolphins and whales swimming around.

Adele loved it, obviously.


Then we headed over to ride the roller coaster! Daddy and Adele chickened out, but Courtney and I rode the Manta and LOVED it! I giggled and screamed the whole time, it was awesome!

We brought our new umbrella stroller and I think Adele liked it. What a life, right?

Ok, Adele. Where should we go next?

Yea? You want to see the dolphins? Ok, let’s do it!

IMG_1720Look, mama! Fishies!


All around the park are individual aquariums, so we checked out the Sea Turtle exhibit next. These guys are awesome!


It was nice to be able to go from inside to outside so we never got too hot.

I think her favorite part of the entire day was watching the roller coaster go by. haha Maybe because it’s so big and loud, but she was pretty mesmerized by it.


Adele was excited to hang out with Courtney so Irving and I could check out the Shark exhibit together. haha It was like a 3 minute date! haha We even held hands when we walked through. Awe.

And then it was time! Shamu Time!!
IMG_1785(Mom, correct me if I’m wrong, but I don’t think I’ve ever seen a killer whale, have I?) So awesome!


Hey, buddy!

Then it was time to see Shamu in action!

Adele took a 10 minute nap ALL day, so she was pretty zonked by this point, but she still paid attention and watched, even from up high!


After the show, we walked around for a bit hoping Adele would fall asleep (spoiler alert: she didn’t), but we got to look at the Penguins and the Beluga whales! So awesome.

What a great, great day. Adele was amazing and we all had a blast. It was nice to remember that San Diego is really in our backyard.

Then, to keep it interesting, we headed to Old Town in San Diego for some amazing authentic Mexican Food. Yes! I almost don’t want to tell you about it because we like to keep it our little secret. (*cough*cough* Casa Guadalajara *cough*cough*) We ordered way too much food and left stuffed to the gills. We also ordered Adele food from the kids menu for the first time! Quasadilla with rice & beans with a side of fruit. She had plenty of leftovers, but she enjoyed it. Suffice it to say, she slept in the car for the entire two hours it took to get home. (and then another 12 hours straight after that!) Yea, she was tired.

I think Courtney needs to visit us more often!


I Hate the Easter Bunny April 1, 2013

Filed under: Baby,Friends — Kelocity @ 1:45 pm
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Happy Easter!!! Easter is slowly becoming one of my favorite holidays. I love the traditions, the start of spring, and the promise of a great year ahead. Of course I always miss my family on Easter, but we’re starting to form our own little traditions out here in LA and it’s becoming a special weekend to us.




Easter morning, Adele woke up and Irving played with her in her room for an hour or so before I got up. Then we were excited to show Adele what the Easter Bunny brought for her! She was pretty excited!


It’s funny how babies know new toys when they see them. She was fascinated by the eggs.
IMG_1020And then we showed her that there were Puffs inside the eggs and from that moment on, she knew the Easter Bunny was her BFF.

Because this lucky lady is going to Hawaii soon, the Easter Bunny brought her gifts in a new shiny teal pail! How did he know that Teal was mom’s favorite color too? That guy is smart.

So what did the EB put inside that pail?

An Easter Book, a new bath toy and some Wooden Toy Cars! I think they were all a hit! We spent a while playing with the new toys and opening as many eggs as we could.


And since it wouldn’t be easter without actually meeting the Easter Bunny himself, we decided to try again to go visit him on his farm! I was determined to get a picture with the bunny no matter what! So I invited some friends and we made the 40 minute drive to Underwood Family Farms to find that rabbit!

Note: Find friends that bring Bunny Ears on adventures. It’s worth it, trust me.

When we got to the farm, it was overcast, but we figured that was better than sun, so we didn’t think anything of it. We had a blast looking at all the fun animals on the farm.

Old Macdonald had a…. peacock?

And then it was time to go find the Easter Bunny! …… But it started raining. At first, a few drops, then a light drizzle. So we hunkered down under a tent for a little bit waiting for the skies to clear.

We waited an hour, chatting, feeding the babies, drinking coffee and hanging out.

When the rain let up, we looked outside and tried to run towards the bunny!

And then it started pouring again, so we retreated back to our tent. We kept peeking out seeing the miserable bunny sitting in the rain.

Then the skies would clear for a few minutes and we’d head back out again. This time, we knocked on the bunny’s door (literally… we knocked), hoping he’d come out so we could get our stupid picture and go home.
IMG_1066Did you know the Easter Bunny lives in a pink house in the middle of a field? Well he does.

Then some other little kids came over, and they knocked too… but the bunny didn’t come out. Can’t say I blame him really. But I was mad. Two attempts to visit the farm, we came |thisclose| to getting our dumb picture, and then we had to surrender. The 2013 Easter Bunny picture just wasn’t going to happen.
IMG_1060Adele was sad too, can’t you tell?

Maybe I’ll photoshop the bunny in to make myself feel better.
IMG_1066 copyUm, that doesn’t make me feel better… at all.

But all jokes aside, we had an awesome day with our friends. Definitely a day we will never forget. Those poor babies were soaked and hungry, and poor Lisa’s stroller will never be the same again after riding through a muddy farm. But we lived to talk about it and it was so much fun.

But the EB better watch his back, he may have escaped this imd, but Toddler Adele will seek justice next year, just you watch.

I can’t remember who bought this beautiful dress for Adele, but I LOVE it. Lace makes my heart melt. It’s size 12 months too! I can’t believe it! Happy First Easter, Adele!