A runner with an appetite for adventure!

We’re old. March 4, 2011

Filed under: Dining Out,Food — Kelocity @ 7:57 pm
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I come home from work ravenous. No matter what I eat during the day, once 5 o’clock rolls around, I need food. Tonight, we didn’t have anything on the menu, and my hunger didn’t allow me enough time to create a meal from scratch. So we hopped into the car and headed to one of our favorite Burbank Restaurants.

It’s this little hole in the wall place that just always has good food. Irving and I joke that when we go in there, we drop the age demographic down to 75 (instead of it’s typical 85). lol We’re always the youngest ones in there, it’s a total senior citizen discount joint, but we love it.

I ordered the chicken tenders dinner… really, I wanted the salad, cornbread, veggies and sweet potatoes (and it just happen to come with a side of chicken).

Served with some honey and ketchup! I just love meals with multiple components. It’s a total mind thing.

It is now 7:45p and we are definitely in our PJs headed to bed. See, we are TOTALLY senior citizens! We fit in just fine!

Bring on the weekend!!